We all know that growing our own food from home could save us money and benefit the environment. So with costs rising and the environment deteriorating, why aren't we doing it more? Part of the answer is a lack of hassle-free tools to grow plants from home regardless of the space and time they can dedicate. As a result, people don't ever develop the habit. Another factor is simply a lack of information on the benefits of home-grown foods. In this blog post, we'll delve into the economic and environmental advantages of homegrown produce.
A wealth of research supports the cost-saving benefits of growing your own fruits and vegetables. A study conducted by the National Gardening Association (2014) found that American households with small vegetable gardens can save an average of $500 per year on their grocery bills (National Gardening Association 2014). Furthermore, homegrown produce is often fresher, more nutritious, and free from harmful chemicals, increasing its overall value. We've written about this in more detail on this blog. For example, we have an article on the evidence on how soil microbes beneficially affects the human brain, here. We also have an article considering the nutritional benefits, here.
In addition to financial gains, growing food at home has a positive impact on the environment. By reducing demand for commercially produced food, you can help decrease the energy and resources required for large-scale farming, packaging, and transportation. A study by Christopher Jones and Daniel Kammen (2011) estimated that if Americans made some moderate changes to their habits, by consuming more local produce they could reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with food production and distribution by 11%.
For those looking to grow food at home, vertical gardens offer an innovative and convenient solution. Their space-saving design makes them ideal for those looking for space-efficient solutions. By investing in a vertical garden system, you can save money on groceries while contributing to a healthier environment. However, existing solutions often defeat the purpose because they are so energy-hungry. You shouldn't need to hook your vertical garden up to the grid 24/7 or connect to an app in order to tend to your plants. We've written about the wastefulness of existing solutions, here.
Over time, a vertical garden system can pay for itself by providing a steady supply of homegrown produce, reducing your reliance on store-bought fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, adopting the habit of growing food at home can inspire others to follow suit, leading to even greater environmental and economic benefits. Even if you decide to just grow flowers, the mental health benefits are clear, as we discussed, here.
Embracing home gardening is a win-win situation. You can save money, reduce your carbon footprint, and contribute to a more sustainable food system. So, why not take the leap and start enjoying the economic and environmental benefits of growing food at home with an innovative solution like a home vertical farm? For more information, click here.
National Gardening Association. 2014. "Garden to Table: A 5-Year Look at Food Gardening in America." National Gardening Association. https://garden.org/special/pdf/2014-NGA-Garden-to-Table.pdf.
Jones, Christopher M., and Daniel M. Kammen. 2011. "Quantifying Carbon Footprint Reduction Opportunities for U.S. Households and Communities." Environmental Science & Technology 45(9): 4088-4095. doi:10.1021/es102221h.